

One of the major challenges of Higher Education is to create and maintain quality of Education. In order to institutionalize the process of quality enhancement, the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) was established in our College in 2005. The IQAC is a Nodal Agency for monitoring the working of the Institution and is committed to overall quality enhancement in the Institution.  It also co-ordinates and supervises the accreditation programmes. Quality sustenance and improvement are the prime spots of concentration of the Cell. It develops an action plan for the academic year and interacts with students, parents, Management, Alumni, Colleges, and Society, to assess and elicit suggestions and recommendations in important areas like introducing need based new academic programmes, improving infrastructural facilities etc. Through the IQAC the institution hopes to make progress in every aspect of the functioning of the institution. IQAC thus functions as an advisory body to the college on academic and research activities, student welfare schemes, in infrastructure development and extension activities. It facilitates various activities for the overall development of the college in the consonance with the challenges of Higher Education at the local, national and global levels.

 The aim of IQAC was to develop a system of conscious, consistent and continuous quality improvement.  It played a key role in obtaining Grade B++ with a CGPA of 3. on a 4 point scale in the first accreditation cycle for the year 2007-2012, later on with A grade with CGPA of 3.  for the second accreditation cycle for the year 2013-2018. The establishment of the IQAC was a giant leap towards quality sustenance in KBN College that helped to obtain the status of CPE by UGC in 2016 and securing 92nd rank in NIRF at the national level. Thus IQAC ensures improvement in the Institution with the active cooperation of all the stakeholders. IQAC not only plans and implements good academic practices but also measures the extent of its implementation.

Vision & Mission


  • To create an atmosphere of all round excellence in the Institution with the purpose of grooming academically proficient, financially independent, socially committed and morally correct
  • To make quality the defining element of the college through a combination of self and external quality evaluation, promotion and sustenance initiatives.
  • To broaden the horizons of academic excellence, professional skills, and social awareness.
  • To ensure high standards of Academic, Administrative and Research Performance.

  • To stimulate the academic environment for promotion of quality of teaching –learning and research.
  • To arrange for periodic assessment and accreditation of institution.
  • To encourage self-evaluation, accountability autonomy and innovations in the college.
  • To undertake quality-related research studies, consultancy and training programmes.
  • To collaborate with other stake holders of higher education for quality evaluation , promotion and sustenance.

Goals & Objectives

  • To ensure continuous improvement in the academic and administrative performance of the institution.
  • To develop quality benchmark in college activities.
  • To disseminate information on quality aspects among stakeholders, namely parents, teachers, staff, employers, funding agencies and society in general.
  • To record and monitor quality measures of the institution.
  • To prepare AQAR.
  • To move forward towards achieving the vision and mission of the Institution.
  • To develop socially committed outreach services.
  • To ensure gender sensitivity and equity in our campus and in the society.
  • To inculcate core values in our students, and train them in life skills.

1 Dr. S. Sasikala 2005-2007
2 Dr. P. Krishna Murthy 2007-2009
3 Dr. B. Raja Rajeswari 2009-2013
4 Dr. V. Subhashini 2013-2019
5 Dr.P.Bharathi Devi 2019-2021
6 Dr.G.Krishnaveni 2021-2024
7 Smt Shamim 2024-tillnow

Faculty Development Programs

National Seminars


Interaction Meet

Research Policy


    The research policy of the college aims to create and support a research culture among its faculty, and students and develop it for enriching and enhancing the professional competence of the faculty members.  The policy aims to develop and promote   scientific temper and research aptitudes of all learners; and for contributing to national development by their participation in research and related activities.

    To achieve the high quality research ambience the following policies have been undertaken. A  Research and Development cell has been established that will prepare and implement the documents for development of research and its activities within the College.

Establishment of Research and Development cell

    The Research and Development Cell was established in 2016 comprising of the following members:

  • Chairman: Principal of the college
  • Director: Professor of  PG Department
  • Members: Senior faculty / Doctorates / pursuing research
  • Ex-office member: Co-ordinator of IQAC

Scope of the Research Policy

    The policy applies to all the researchers of the college who are active in teaching, research, administration and provision of any form of support to the core functions of the college; all mentors, guides, external experts and sponsors associated with any of the research activities of the college; all academic and administrative departments of the college and all students of the college.

Objectives of Research Policy

  • The Research and Development Cell of the college shall be responsible for implementing this research policy of the college by working closely with the college management. The objectives  are  as follows:
  • To develop and enhance research environment within the institution.
  • To motivate all Faculties to pursue research in their respective areas of expertise.
  • To strengthen the institutional capacity for strategic, technical and operational planning, budgeting and control of all research activities of the college
  • To increase and administer the seed money for supporting and facilitating research initiatives and projects of faculty members and students.
  • To encourage the departments to establish research labs with necessary facilities to carry out research projects.
  • To develop rules, procedures and guidelines for granting research support, instituting research awards, and create incentives for the faculty who receive state, national and international recognition for research contributions.
  • Increasing incentives, granting study leave, duty leave, reduction in workload, etc. for faculty members undertaking research activities.
  • To prepare and regularly update the research agenda of the college outlining the preferred focus areas and priorities of research activities to be supported
  • To encourage and guide the faculty members to apply and take up minor/major research projects.
  • To identify and inform researchers about the appropriate research opportunities announced by different academic, research, industry or government organisations.
  • To facilitate the establishment of more research centres by funding agencies / university.
  • To facilitate the establishment and development of specific research units like Central instrumentation centres for promoting interdisciplinary research.
  • To develop and promote linkages including MOU s with the Research Council of the  affiliated University,   industry bodies and individual companies  for  widening the scope of research  and creating opportunities for teachers and students of the college.
  • To approach National and international organisations such as UGC, ICSSR, ICHR, ICPR, DST, DBT, UNESCO, UNICEF to fund major and minor research projects undertaken by the faculty / students.
  • To encourage and facilitate the publication of the research work in reputed academic journals.
  • To encourage and facilitate the presentation of the research work through academic events such as workshops/seminars/guest lecturers.
  • To create and maintain a database of research work and research projects undertaken by the faculty and students as well as collect data by metrics such as Citation Index, Impact Factor, h-index, SNIP, SJR, etc.
  • To provide a mechanism for ensure that academic staff attain the desired mix of teaching, research and consultancy outputs so as to achieve the level stated in the College mission.
  • To draw up and adopt a research code, which informs all researchers about the ethical and legal norms and principles to be followed in the conduct of research.

Terms of Office

  • Members of the Research and Development cell serve for a term of five yea
  • An appointed member may be able to serve for additional terms as per the approval of the Academic Council of University.


    The quorum for meetings of the Research and Development Cell shall be the nearest whole number above one third of the membership of the cell.

Meeting Schedule

    The Research and Development cell will meet at least once each semester. The Chairman is responsible for determining if more meetings are required.


  • The cell will report to the Academic Council by way of its minutes.


Dr. K. Kiran Kumar

Asso. Prof., Dept. of Chemistry, Director

Dr. K.V.N.R. Sai Krishna

Asst. Prof., Dept. of Computer Science & Applications, Member

Dr. K. Siva Prakasa Rao

Asst. Prof., Dept. of Commerce, Member

Dr. D. Lakshmi Pratusha

Asst. Prof., Dept. of Business Administration, Member

Dr. P. Seshu Babu

Asst. Prof., Dept. of Mathematics & Statistics, Member

Dr. B. Arun Kumar

Asst. Prof., Dept. of Business Administration, Member


Orientation Programs
