Part-1 | ||
Subject | Syllabus | |
Telugu | View Syllabus | |
Hindi | View Syllabus | |
English | View Syllabus | |
ANALYTICAL SKILLS | View Syllabus | |
ENTREPRENUERSHIP | View Syllabus | |
Part-2 | |||
Course | Year of Establishment | Syllabus | |
View Syllabus |
AGRICULTURE MARKETING | 2019 | View Syllabus |
ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES | 2019 | View Syllabus |
FOOD ADULTERATION | 2019 | View Syllabus |
SOLAR ENERGY | 2019 | View Syllabus |
View Syllabus |
HVPE | 2019 | View Syllabus |
INDIAN CULTURE & SCIENCE | 2019 | View Syllabus |
INFORMATION & COM.TECH | 2019 | View Syllabus |
Part-3 | |||
Course | Year of Establishment | Syllabus | |
B.Sc(Mathematics,Physics,Chemistry) | 1965 |
Mathematics Physics Chemistry |
B.Sc(Chemistry,Botany,Zoology) | 1965 |
Botany Zoology Chemistry |
B.Com(General) | 1965 |
Commerce computers |
B.Sc.(Mathematics,Physcis,Computer Science) | 1992 |
Mathematics Physcis Computer Science |
B.Com(Tax Procedure) | 1996 |
Commerce computers |
B.Com(Computers) | 1997 |
Commerce Computers |
B.C.A. | 1998 |
Maths Computers Commerce |
B.Sc(Mathematics,Computer Science,Electronics) | 2003 |
Mathematics Computer Science Electronics |
B.B.A. | 2006 |
B.B.A computers |
B.Sc(Mathematics,Statistics,Computer Science) | 2008 |
Mathematics Statistics Computer Science |
B.Com(Logistics) | 2013 |
B.Com(Logistics) computers |
B.Sc(Mathematics,Chemistry,ComputerScience) | 2013 |
Mathematics Chemistry Computer Science |
B.Sc(IOT) | 2018 |
Electronics(IoT) Maths(IoT) Computers (IoT) Statistics (IoT) |
B.Sc(DATASCIENCE) | 2019 |
Maths (DS) Statistics (DS) Computers (DS) |
B.Voc.(WTSD) | 2019 |
Maths (WTSD) Computers(WTSD) |
B.Voc. (IT& ITES) | 2019 |
Maths(IT) Computers(IT) |
The UGC during Xth Plan decided to recast the vocationalisation programme at undergraduate level under a modified scheme of CAREER ORIENTED PROGRMAME. The UGC has introduced a flexible system of certificate/diploma/advanced diploma programme, which run parallel to the conventional B.A., B.Com. and B.Sc. degrees. The Universities/colleges may formulate their own, ‘Need-Based’, Career-oriented courses.
The syllabi as per guidelines of the UGC on the scheme of courses may be prepared by the universities/colleges on their own keeping in view the subject specific academic needs and market requirements, with the help of the subject experts.
Under this scheme KBN College is offering the following UGC Career Oriented Courses.
The objective of the scheme is to introduce career and market-oriented, skill enhancing add-on courses that have utility for job, self-employment and empowerment of the students. At the end of three years, the students will be equipped with a Certificate/Diploma/Advanced diploma in an add-on orientation course along with a conventional degree in Science/Arts/Commerce.
KBN College provides Vocational Education Training Courses like Computer Fundamentals, M.S.Office & Internet for all I year Degree students, DeskTop Publishing for all II year Degree students and Accounting Packages..Tally for all III Year B.Com Section Students to improve their employability skills. After the completion of the course Certificates will be issued to the students by State Institute of Vocational Education, Commissioner of Intermediate Education, AP, Guntur.
The Course shall be called Post Graduation Diploma in E-Banking which is abbreviated as PGDEB.
The PGDEB Course shall be of one year duration, extended over two semesters and adopts choice based credit system (CBCS) and grading system in line with national policies and international practices. The candidates shall be allowed a maximum of two years (4 semesters) of duration to be eligible for the award of degree, failing which he / she shall have to register once again as a fresh candidate.
Students who complete the PG Diploma in E-Banking should be able to • Understand basic concepts and their applications to domestic and global commerce and trade. • Familiarize themselves with financial concepts, analysis and reporting systems. • Understand the political, environmental, legal, and regulatory settings of the organization. • Acquire leadership skills, understand group and individual dynamics, and be able to work in teams. • Enhance oral and written communication skills.
Admission into PGDEB Course shall be made subject to the eligibility, qualifications and specialization prescribed by the University from time to time. Admissions shall be made on the basis of merit rank obtained by the qualifying candidate at KRUCET examination conducted by Krishna University subject to reservations prescribed by the university from time to time.
e-Banking - I & II Semesters Syllabus with Model PapersKBN College offers Six months Diploma course in “Printing Technology” under the scheme of UGC Community College. Printing Technology has a wide range of opportunities for Students/ Entrepreneurs. There are various Career opportunities in Government Publishing Houses, Government Printing Organisations, Commercial Printing Organisations Publishing Houses in Private Sector, Pre-Press Solutions for Printing Industries, Designing and Digital Printing, Hologram Printing and etc. The course introduced during the academic year 2015-16. The admission is open for all the aspirants who want to make a career in Printing Technology.
J. Panduranga Rao,
Nodal Officer,
Community College
K.B.N .College, Vijayawada. A.P
Mobile No.: 09441176794
Express Printers,
# 26-13- 53, Sanyasiraju Street,
Gandhinagar, Vijayawada-1
Minimum eligibility of the beneficiaries under the scheme(Education level): Intermediate/ +2.
Age requirements of the beneficiaries: Above 18 Years.
Express Printers
# 26-13- 53, Sanyasiraju Street,
Gandhinagar, Vijayawada-1
Yoga is an activity that increases flexibility, strengthens muscles, centers thoughts, and relaxes and calms anyone. Yoga is an ancient physical and spiritual discipline and branch of philosophy that originated in India reportedly more than 5,000 years ago. The word Yoga comes from the Sanskrit word yuj, which means to unite-the “joining or integrating of all aspects of the individual-body with mind and mind with soul-to achieve a happy, balanced and useful life. “The ultimate aim of yoga is to reach kalvalya(emancipation or ultimate freedom). Yogis over the millennia passed down the discipline to their students, and many different schools of yoga developed as it spread. The oldest texts in existence is generally believed to be written by Patanjali, an Indian yogic sage who lived somewhere between 2,000 and 2,500 years ago. Patanjali is credited with writing the Yoga Sutras, which are the principles, philosophy, and practices of yoga that are still followed today. Buddism and other Eastern spiritual traditions use many of the yoga techniques or derivations of those techniques.
In the light of the above Kakaraparti Bhavanarayana College to fulfil its motto and all round personality of the students and freeing oneself from the predicaments and evolving as person with free soul is imparting yoga through Physical Education department. We wish this endeavour in yoking mind with soul will go long way in shaping the life of our students.
The word yoga is derived from a Sanskrit word “YUG” means ‘Uniting’. The main aim of yoga is to unite our mind with our body. This is possible through the practice of asana, pranayama, meditation and mudra. Yoga is not a religion, nor a philosophical doctrine. It is wisdom of life. It is an experience. It elevates the thoughts and ideas of a person. Yoga is a method of training the mind to realize the hidden powers wihin us. It is the science of evolution. The science of yoga begins to work on physical body first. Yoga aims at bringing the different body function into perfect coordination, So that they work for the good of whole body. From the physical body yoga moves on to the mental and emotional levels. Through the regular practise of yoga, awareness develops. Gradually this awareness leads to balance the emotional, mental and physical levels, thus helping one to lead a happy life.
The yoga we know today was developed as a part of the tantric civilization which existed in India and all parts of the world more than ten thousand years ago. In archaeological excavations made in Indus valley at HARAPPA and MOHENJODARO, now in modern Pakistan, many statues have found depiciting deities resembling Lord Shiva and Parvathi performing various asanas and practising meditation. According to mythical tradition, Shiva is said to be founder of yoga and Parvathi his first disciple. In ancient times, yoga techniques were kept secret and were never written down or exposed to public. They were passed on from teacher or guru to disciple by word of mouth ie, only orally transmission between master and disciple (guru-sishya parampara).
But such orally transmitted yoga tradition is lost in time and came in the form of books. Pathanjali guru wrote yoga sutras. Swami Matsyendranath wrote Hath Cult. Swami Swatmarama wrote Hatha yoga, Goraksha sataka, Goraksha paddhathi. We can see references of yoga in puranas also. ‘Brahma’ puranam gives 1st preference to yoga, then to Vedas Puranas & Ithihasas.